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Investigating Percy Ludgate and his Analytical Machine

Investigating Team
Brian Coghlan, Brian Randell, Paul Hockie, Trish Gonzalez, David McQuillan, Reddy O'Regan
Under the auspices of The John Gabriel Byrne Computer Science Collection, Trinity College Dublin

Repository       (the real Ludgate webpage)
Ludgate folder  (contains documents below plus LOTS MORE)

Publications of the Investigation
work-in-progress biography and genealogy: Percy E. Ludgate Prize
Percy E. Ludgate Prize winners
West Cork History Festival 2019, slides with Animation
West Cork History Festival 2019, slides without Animation
West Cork History Festival 2019, video
West Cork History Festival 2019, errors in video
West Cork History Festival 2019, podcast interview
Ludgate's Logarithmic Indexes, analysis
work-in-progress analysis: Percy Ludgate's Analytical Machine
work-in-progress analysis: Percy Ludgate's Difference Engine
The Hunt For Ludgate, slides, 2020
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, technical paper (as accepted), 2020
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, technical paper (as published), 2020
Royal Irish Academy, Ireland's First Computer Designer, historical paper (as accepted), 2021
Royal Irish Academy, Ireland's First Computer Designer, historical paper (as published), 2021
Percy Ludgate, Charles Babbages First Successor, 2021, slides [slide12 corrected]
Percy Ludgate, Charles Babbages First Successor, 2021, video
Percy Ludgate, Investigating his Work and Life, 2021, slides
Percy Ludgate, Investigating his Work and Life, 2021, video
Percy Ludgate, An Irish Origin of Modern Computers, 2021, slides
Percy Ludgate, An Irish Origin of Modern Computers, 2021, video
Percy Ludgate (1883-1922): Ireland's First Computer Designer, 2022, book, also BookFinder
Ludgate Plaque Unveiling, 100 years after his death, 15-Oct-2022
Ludgate Plaque Unveiling, 100 years after his death, 15-Oct-2022, video
Ludgate Plaque Unveiling, 100 years after his death, 15-Oct-2022, alternative video
ChatGPT's Astonishing Fabrications about Percy Ludgate 24-Apr-2023
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, ChatGPT paper (as published), 2023
work-in-progress: References & Dissemination of Ludgate's 1909 paper
ChatGPT's Astonishing Fabrications about Percy Ludgate, 2023, BCS video
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, Ludgate-Zuse paper (as accepted), 2024
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, Ludgate-Zuse paper (as published), 2024

Documents and Evidence relevant to the Investigation
Gerry Kelly: Percy Edwin Ludgate Civil Service Saga
Gerry Kelly: 1901 and 1911 Census Extracts
Gerry Kelly: 46 Foster Terrace, Ballybough, Dublin
Gerry Kelly: Evidence 28 Foster Place was Renumbered
Gerry Kelly: Evidence Percy Edwin Ludgate was Passed Over
Dan McGing, Obituary, 2012
Dublin Institute of Technology Act, 1992
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition Vol.4 Part 4, 1911
Opening of Ludgate Hub, Irish Examiner, 2015
Percy Ludgate, by Kevin O'Neill, Irish Examiner, 2019
Percy Ludgate, by David Forsythe, Southern Star, 2019
Percy Ludgate, by Chris Horn, Irish Times, 2021
Percy Ludgate, by Robert Hume, Southern Star, 2022
Percy Ludgate, by Karlin Lillington, Irish Times, 2022
Chris Horn talks about Ireland’s early Computer Pioneer, Percy Ludgate, 2022, also MP3
Review of Percy Ludgate Book, by Chris Horn, Irish Times, 2023
Fujitsu PrimeHPC FX1000
Jim Byrne: Percy E. Ludgate, 2011
David McQuillan: The Feasibility of Ludgate's Analytical Machine
Merger of PwC is completed, Irish Independent, 1998
Ralf Buelow: Percy Ludgate der unbekannte Computerpionier (German)
Ralf Buelow: Percy Ludgate der unbekannte Computerpionier (English)
Riches: An Analysis of Ludgates Machine, 1973
Roser: Life Expectancy, extract
Swiss Pneumonia (Spanish Flu) in 1922
Collier: The Little Engines That Could've
Lumière Brothers film of Sackville [now O'Connell] Street, Dublin, in 1897
Pathe film of Bachelor's Quay, Sackville Street and Eden Quay, Dublin, in 1915
Pathe film of damage on Eden Quay, Dublin, from Easter 1916 uprising
Pathe film of damage on Sackville Street, Dublin, from Easter 1916 uprising

Percy Ludgate in subsequent Patent Litigation
work-in-progress: SCSS Ludgate-Zuse Files Index
Ralf Buelow: Percy Ludgate and Konrad Zuse (German), 2022
Ralf Buelow: Percy Ludgate and Konrad Zuse (English), 2022
ZIB Zuse patent litigation archive
English translation of G.B.Hagen to Zuse, first reference to Ludgate 1909 paper, 1960
English translation of Weber-Schäfer to Zuse, referring to Hagen's letter, 1960
English translation of Zuse's response to Hagen's letter, 1960
work-in-progress: References & Dissemination of Ludgate's 1909 paper
work-in-progress: How Hagen found Ludgate's 1909 paper
work-in-progress: Patent Attorneys of Zuse Z3 Patent Litigation
work-in-progress: Konrad Zuse's Computer Patents
Hartmut Petzold: The Mills of the Patent Office (English Translation 2023)
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, Ludgate-Zuse paper (as accepted), 2024
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, Ludgate-Zuse paper (as published), 2024
Percy Ludgate and Konrad Zuse, by Chris Horn, Irish Times, 2024, also transcript

Percy Ludgate's Irish Logarithms
Brian Coghlan: Ludgate's Logarithmic Indexes, analysis
Brian Coghlan: work-in-progress analysis: Percy Ludgate's Analytical Machine (see p.6-8)
Brian Coghlan: Ludgate’s Analytical Machine: Irish Logarithms, 2019
Andries De Man: Irish Logs Animation, 2017
Andries De Man: Irish Logarithms, 2017
Andries De Man: Jacobi Indices, 2017
Wikipedia: Irish logarithm
Mark Dominus: The Irish logarithm, Part 1, 2023
Mark Dominus: Irish logarithm forward instead of backward, Part 2, 2023
Mark Dominus: The Irish logarithm, Part 3, 2023
Matt Parker: Standup Mathematician
Shreevatsa: Reverse-engineering the "Irish logarithm", 2023
Shreevatsa: Improving on Percy Ludgate's "Irish logarithm", 2023
Schumacher Faber Model 366, J.Oughterard Soc.
Schumacher Jacobi Index Sliderule, 1909
Hoecken: Multiplier Mechanisms (German), 1913

Prof. Brian Randell's 1971 and 1982 papers
The Computer Journal, 1971
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, 1982

Pre-1971 publications related to Percy Ludgate's Analytical Machine
On a Proposed Analytical Machine, Sci.Proc.RDS, 28-Apr-1909
On a Proposed Analytical Machine, OCR extract
2016 reprint of Sci.Proc.RDS Vol.12, No.9, 1909
English Mechanic and World of Science, 7-May-1909
IEE Science Abstracts review of Ludgate's 1909 paper, Jun-1909
C.V.Boys: A new analytical engine, Nature, Jul-1909
C.V.Boys: A new analytical engine, courtesy Nature, 1909
C.V.Boys: A new analytical engine, extract
Engineering, 20-Aug-1909
English Mechanic and World of Science, 3-Sep-1909
German review of the Nature review of Ludgate’s 1909 paper
Napier Tercentenary Celebration Handbook, Ed. E.M.Horsburgh, 1914
Napier Tercentenary Handbook, Section D, Whipple to Ludgate
Napier Tercentenary Handbook, P.E.Ludgate, Automatic Calculating Machines
Napier Tercentenary, review, Science 1-May-1914
Napier Tercentenary, review, C.G.Knott, Nature 30-Jul-1914
Napier Tercentenary, review, Florian Cajori
Napier Tercentenary, summary, David Eugene Smith
Napier Tercentenary, summary, MCS_St.Andrew's
Napier Tercentenary, newspaper reports (ZIP)
Napier Tercentenary Handbook, review, C.V.Boys, Nature 31-Dec-1915
Napier Tercentenary Memorial Volume, Ed. C.G.Knott, 1915

Publications related to Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine
Ada Lovelace's famous translation and notes, 1843
Henry Babbage: The Analytical Engine, British Association, 1888
Irish interactions with Charles Babbage regarding his Difference Engines and Analytical Engine.